A weekly newsletter and podcast diving into Clojure programs and libraries by Daniel Compton.


  1. 54: JRuby with Charles Oliver Nutter
    Tuesday, 17 September 2024
    Charles Oliver Nutter talks about JRuby, the JVM, JRuby 10, improving JRuby startup time, and going independent
  2. 53: Clojure LSP with Eric Dallo
    Monday, 22 April 2024
    Eric Dallo talks about the LSP protocol, and Clojure LSP
  3. 52: Coding in YAML with Ingy döt Net
    Monday, 15 April 2024
    Ingy döt Net talks about his new programming language YAMLScript, compiling YAML to Clojure, and the development of the YAML format
  4. 51: Building a text editor with Nate Hunzaker
    Tuesday, 5 March 2024
    Nate Hunzaker talks about building a text editor for the web
  5. 50: Peter Taoussanis
    Tuesday, 27 February 2024
    Peter Taoussanis talks about Sente, Timbre, Carmine, Nippy, Tufte, and many more of his libraries


  1. 49: Clerk with Martin Kavalar
    Saturday, 30 December 2023
    Martin Kavalar talks about Clerk
  2. 48: Biff with Jacob O'Bryant
    Saturday, 16 September 2023
    Jacob O'Bryant talks about Biff, XTDB, and building a web framework for small teams
  3. 47: Executable textbooks with Sam Ritchie
    Friday, 13 January 2023
    Sam Ritchie talks about the Mentat Collective, executable textbooks, visual math


  1. 46: ClojureDart with Christophe Grand and Baptiste Dupuch
    Saturday, 24 December 2022
    Christophe Grand and Baptiste Dupuch talk about ClojureDart, a new dialect of Clojure
  2. 45: Data Rabbit with Ryan Robitaille
    Monday, 3 October 2022
    Ryan Robitaille talks about data visualisation, and building a visual coding environment in Clojure
  3. 44: Jank with Jeaye Wilkerson
    Saturday, 17 September 2022
    Jeaye Wilkerson talks about compilers, LLVM, and building a dynamic, compiled Clojure


  1. 43: Clojure, The Essential Reference with Renzo Borgatti
    Saturday, 13 November 2021
    Renzo Borgatti talks about what he learnt while creating his reference of the Clojure standard library, and about the re:Clojure conference.
  2. 42: Faster JSON parsing with Erik Assum
    Thursday, 7 October 2021
    Erik Assum talks about clj-commons, speeding up clojure.data.json, and asks Daniel what he's been up to.
  3. 41: Clojure pre-history with Chris Houser
    Tuesday, 21 September 2021
    Chris Houser (Chouser) reflects on the early years of Clojure, Clojure's features, and applying the lessons of Clojure elsewhere.
  4. 40: Shipping Clojure code with Paulus Esterhazy
    Tuesday, 14 September 2021
    Paulus Esterhazy talks about trunk-based development, monorepos, path-focused design, and fast feedback
  5. 39: Clojure Goes Fast with Alexander Yakushev
    Tuesday, 7 September 2021
    Alexander Yakushev talks about performance measurement tools, and Clojure Goes Fast
  6. 38: Banking and Clojure with Allen Rohner
    Tuesday, 31 August 2021
    Allen Rohner talks about Griffin, building a new bank, and Bazel


  1. 37: The Clojurists Together Foundation with lvh
    Thursday, 21 May 2020
    lvh talks about the Clojurists Together Foundation.
  2. 36: Clojure CLI tools with Michiel Borkent
    Sunday, 26 April 2020
    Michiel Borkent talks about clj-kondo, Jet, Babashka, and GraalVM.
  3. 35: Mature Clojure codebases with Łukasz Korecki
    Thursday, 2 April 2020
    Łukasz Korecki talks about building a mature startup using Clojure. He also talks about how EnjoyHQ built a successful distributed team.
  4. 34: CIDER and tending the Orchard with Bozhidar Batsov
    Wednesday, 25 March 2020
    Bozhidar Batsov talks about CIDER, the Orchard, Clojure, Emacs, Ruby, and style guides


  1. 33: Peter Strömberg on Calva, a Clojure plugin for VS Code
    Saturday, 23 November 2019
    Peter Strömberg talks about Calva, VS Code, Clojurists Together funding, and how you can contribute.
  2. 32: Clojure, Kafka, and OPERATR with Derek Troy-West
    Wednesday, 13 November 2019
    Derek Troy-West talks about scaling systems with Clojure, Kafka, and building systems with pure data
  3. 31: Joel Holdbrooks on Meander
    Friday, 8 November 2019
    Joel Holdbrooks talks about Meander, interpreters, operational semantics, and Clojurists Together funding.
  4. 30: Bobby Calderwood on Kafka and Fintech
    Tuesday, 22 October 2019
    Bobby Calderwood talks about banking and financial technology in the US, mainframes, Kafka, and their new platform.
  5. 29: Marc O'Morain on adding Windows support to CircleCI
    Tuesday, 27 August 2019
    Marc O'Morain talks about CircleCI's new Windows support, their new JavaScript frontend, and fighting cryptominers.
  6. 28: Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant on Typed Clojure
    Monday, 12 August 2019
    Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant talks about Spec, typing, and doing three degrees in Typed Clojure
  7. 27: Eric Normand on teaching Clojure
    Wednesday, 24 July 2019
    Eric Normand talks about his new course on REPL driven development, and teaching Clojure
  8. 26: Nathan Marz on a new programming paradigm
    Wednesday, 10 July 2019
    Nathan Marz talks about his new company Red Planet Labs, Specter, and building a new programming paradigm
  9. 25: Dragan Djuric on Neanderthal
    Wednesday, 26 June 2019
    Dragan Djuric talks about his recent work writing Deep Learning in Clojure from Scratch. We also talked about writing technical books that use Clojure, rather than technical books about Clojure.
  10. 24: Crux, a new bitemporal database from JUXT
    Wednesday, 12 June 2019
    Jeremy Taylor and Malcolm Sparks from JUXT talk about Crux, their new open source database, why they made it, and which gaps it fills.
  11. 23: Elements of Clojure with Zach Tellman
    Friday, 19 April 2019
    Zach Tellman talks about writing Elements of Clojure, some of the work he's done in Clojure over the last ten years, and what's next.
  12. 22: Cursive IDE with Colin Fleming
    Wednesday, 3 April 2019
    Colin Fleming talks about building Cursive IDE on the IntelliJ platform
  13. 21: Looking at Clojure through the mindset of business with Jonathan Boston
    Wednesday, 27 March 2019
    Jonathan Boston discusses Clojure, business, the best and worst code he wrote last year, and the ClojureScript community.
  14. 20: Clojure MXNet with Carin Meier
    Wednesday, 20 March 2019
    Carin Meier talks about the Clojure MXNet package, MXNet, Scala interop with Java, and ML in society
  15. 19: Formatting Clojure code with Shaun Lebron
    Wednesday, 13 March 2019
    I talk with Shaun Lebron about my recent Clojure formatting proposal
  16. 18: Testing Clojure and ClojureScript with Arne Brasseur
    Wednesday, 20 February 2019
    Arne Brasseur talks about Kaocha, Heart of Clojure, Lambda Island, and Clojureverse
  17. 17: Editing Clojure code with Shaun Lebron
    Monday, 4 February 2019
    Shaun Lebron talks about Parinfer, editor integration, understanding user editing intent, and meeting people where they are.
  18. 16: Monorepos and monologues with Alex Engelberg
    Saturday, 19 January 2019
    Alex Engelberg discusses his recent talk at the Conj, lein-monolith, and other Amperity open source projects
  19. 15: Clojure at Apple with David Taylor
    Saturday, 12 January 2019
    David Taylor talks about adopting Clojure at Apple, lessons about management, and balancing being an engineer and a leader.


  1. 14: ClojureScript, Lumo, and Lambdas with Antonio Monteiro
    Wednesday, 5 December 2018
    Antonio Monteiro talks about building Lumo, improving the ClojureScript beginner experience, typed GraphQL in OCaml, and creating a custom AWS Lambda runtime.
  2. 13: High performance Clojure numerics with Chris Nuernberger
    Wednesday, 5 December 2018
    Chris Nuernberger talks about his work on tvm-clj, unsigned bytes on the JVM, efficient copying of data, neural networks, GPUs
  3. 12: Clojure documentation with Martin Klepsch
    Wednesday, 28 November 2018
    Martin Klepsch talks about cljdoc, an automatic documentation website for all of the Clojure community's code.
  4. 11: Saskia Lindner on re-frame-10x, compassionate coding, and mindfulness
    Monday, 26 November 2018
    We talk with Saskia Lindner about her experience working on re-frame-10x in Rails Girls Summer of Code, ClojureBridge, remote working, and compassionate coding.
  5. 10: Howard Lewis Ship on GraphQL and Lacinia
    Monday, 12 November 2018
    Howard Lewis Ship talks about Walmart Labs and their open source Clojure projects.
  6. 9: Hannah Henderson on Continuous Integration at CircleCI
    Friday, 2 November 2018
    Hannah Henderson talks about CI, Spec, remote work, and engineering at CircleCI.
  7. 8: Elana Hashman on Debian and Clojure
    Thursday, 25 October 2018
    Elana Hashman discusses her work on packaging Leiningen, the state of Clojure on Debian, and I ask her all the questions I've ever had about packaging on Linux.
  8. 7: Ben Brinckerhoff on Clojure Spec and Error Messages
    Thursday, 18 October 2018
    Ben Brinckerhoff talks about Expound, his tool for formatting Clojure Spec error messages, a common language for Clojure errors, and the wider world of error messages.
  9. 6: Thomas Heller on Shadow CLJS
    Wednesday, 10 October 2018
    Thomas Heller talks about the Google Closure compiler, Shadow CLJS, and interop with JavaScript
  10. 5: Looking At The Web After Tomorrow with Nikita Prokopov
    Thursday, 4 October 2018
    Nikita Prokopov talks about data synchronisation, the web after tomorrow, Datascript, Rum, software quality, and font ligatures
  11. 4: Bruce Hauman on interactive development, Figwheel, and Rebel Readline
    Wednesday, 26 September 2018
    Bruce Hauman discusses Figwheel, Figwheel Main, Rebel Readline, Tooling, and lots more.
  12. 3: Mike Fikes on ClojureScript type inference, Graal, and Clojurists Together
    Monday, 17 September 2018
    Mike Fikes talks about his recent work adding type inference to the ClojureScript compiler, the AOT cache, cljs.main, Clojurists Together, Graal.js, and Apropos.
  13. 2: Daniel Higginbotham on Specmonstah, Clojure Spec, and Ent walking trees
    Monday, 10 September 2018
    Daniel Higginbotham talks about building on top of Clojure spec, designing simple Clojure libraries, the µNolen unit of productivity, and writing useful documentation.
  14. 1: Michael Drogalis on Pyrostore's Acquisition, the future of Onyx, and stream processing
    Wednesday, 29 August 2018
    Michael Drogalis discusses Pyroclasts's recent acquisition by Confluent, high performance stream processing, working on large Clojure programs, and some of Onyx's technical innovations.